Baby the Stars Shine Bright
137★209 Fall in Love With the Sweet Magic of Scent Perfume JSK $292
137★416 BABY Lace School Blouse $150
137★953 Princess Drop with Grossgrain Ribbon Headbow $24
109P911 Alice's Tear Bottle Necklace $104
136★301 Snow Dot OP $280
137★957 Juicy BABY Love Love Berries Mini Hat $70
137★063 EAT ME Necklace $42
137★416 BABY Lace School Blouse $150
135★525 Angel's Whisper in the Holy Night Skirt $186
136★330 Little Princess Coat $444
Alice and the Pirates
109P701 Paraiso du un Unicorn Cutsew JSK $150
109P921 A/P Swinging Ribbon Combs $38
109P004 A/P Frill Folding Umbrella $42
107P725 Trick Cat Skirt $162
137★411 Serenade Blouse $150
109P101 A/P School Cardigan $104
109P218 Mermaid Dot JSK $198
109P413 Angel's Wing Blouse $138
109P932 Mermaid Dot Headbow $36