We will begin accepting online reservations for the new Baby, the Stars Shine Bright series, Maria de la Croix, on June 6th (WED).
In-store reservations will start on June 1st (FRI).
Once our allotments are filled, we can only place orders based on online availability.
Thank you for understanding.
Lo! in that house of misery
A lady with a lamp I see
Pass through the glimmering gloom,
And flit from room to room.
And slow, as in a dream of bliss,
The speechless sufferer turns to kiss
Her shadow, as it falls
Upon the darkening walls.
As if a door in heaven should be
Opened and then closed suddenly,
The vision came and went,
The light shone and was spent.
Santa Filomena, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Off White
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