
Saturday, November 9, 2013

❧†Teatre de l' Erreur~Lost Paradise~†❧

We will start accepting reservations for A/P's newest series, Teatre de l' Erreur~Lost Paradise~, on November 15th (FRI)!

And unto Adam he said,
"Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife,
And hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee,
Saying, 'Thou shalt not eat of it, cursed is the ground for thy sake',
In sorrow, shalt thou eat of it all for all the days of thy life."
(Gen. 3:17-19)

Aube(Ivory) x Ivory chiffon x Off white lace material x Ivory lace
Jour(Saxe blue) x Saxe blue chiffon x Ivory lace material x Ivory lace
Soir(Lavender) x Lavender chiffon x Ivory lace material x Ivory lace
Lune(Black) x Black chiffon x Black lace material x Black lace 

Click here or read after the jump for more details.


(ivory, sax, & black)

109P028 Wisdom Apple Ring - $58 +tax
(gold, & antique gold)

109P032 Innocent Rosier Maria Veil - $82 +tax
(ivory, & black)

109P033 Innocent Rosier Clip - $112 +tax
(ivory, & black)

109P027 Toy Theater Boston Bag - $92 +tax
(camel, & black)

The following items will not be up for reservation and will be processed as a regular order:

We look forward to accepting your reservations!