Baby the Stars Shine Bright
136★102 Princess Pearl Cardigan $138
136★503 Bon-Bon Chocolate Dance Dance Dance Skirt $186
136★053 My Little Red Riding Hood Necklace $35
136★060 Bon-Bon Chocolate Caramel Pin $9
136★255 Sweet Jewelry Princess JSK $292
136★448 Stripe Chiffon Round Collar Blouse $162
136★951 Cherry Parade Headbow $50
136★257 Marble Sugar Drop JSK $292
136★441 Alice Bruges Blouse $174
Lucky Pack Remnant Headbow $22
136★265 Tartan Check Princess JSK $256
136★401 Back Pin-tucked Blouse $69
Alice and the Pirates
108P228 Grimoir in the Moonlight Forest JSK $292
108P443 Prince Conrad Blouse $150
108P966 Grimoir in the Moonlight Forest Headbow $50
108P333 Vampire Prelude OP $328