Baby the Stars Shine Bright
136★269 Sweet Poodle's Wonder Pocket Coco JSK $280
136★448 Stripe Chiffon Round C0llar Blouse $162
135★035 Ribbon Heart Bag $186
136★915 Lady Victoria's Afternoon Headbow $35
136★271 Lady Tartan Check JSK $268
136★448 Stripe Chiffon Round Collar Blouse $162
135★990 Sweet Fawn Heart Earmuffs $82
136★257 Marble Sugar Drop JSK $292
136★441 Alice Bruges Dress Blouse $174
136★935 Rosary Rose Headdress $44
Alice and the Pirates
108P235 Rosier Empress JSK $244
108P445 Chiffon Mellow Blouse $150
108P913 END of Immortal Eden Bonnet $58
108P519 Vampire Prelude Skirt $186
108P443 Prince Conrad Blouse $150
108P971 Shan de Fleur Headdress $88
108P331 Regimental Latte OP $304